Robyn M-K Clarity. Strategy. Success.


Copyedit the World: Evita


Today I visited  Wikipedia’s featured articles page, which explained how these articles are judged to be some of the best Wikipedia has to offer, and are used by editors as writing examples. This demonstrates not only that styles and goals differ, but also how multiple passes can provide additional insights on ways to improve or streamline content. Today’s editing exercise comes from...

Copyedit the World: the mistle thrush


I often catch myself mentally editing things as I read: overlong sentences, convoluted paragraphs, disorganized ideas, etc. As a creative exercise, I will periodically present here some piece of short content along with my suggested changes. This gives me a chance to flex my editing muscles while also showing possibilities.

Robyn M-K Clarity. Strategy. Success.

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Writer, editor, strategic thinker. Knitter, learner, intermittent runner. Exuberant, joyful, and full of curiosity (and opinions) about most everything.

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